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Western New York Law Center
Calendar: Events for Tuesday, March 17, 2020 All events for the day you have selected (Tuesday, March 17, 2020) are detailed below. Intensive Trial Skills Training - Representation of Battered Women (Albany) From: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 To: Friday, March 18, 2005 http://www.wnylc.net/web/news/XcNewsPlus.asp?cmd=view&articleid=4212 [ Return to Upcoming Events ] Public options: Add an event to this date (Tuesday, March 17, 2020) Choose a different date, and add an event Foreclosure Prevention Basics-Syracuse From: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 To: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 This training is free, and include free CLE credit. They are open to legal services and private lawyers. Though the training is geared towards legal representation of homeowners, housing counselors would benefit from these trainings and find them helpful, as well. To register for the training, please contact Michelle Peterson at mpeterson@empirejustice.org. [ Return to Upcoming Events ] Public options: Add an event to this date (Tuesday, March 17, 2020) Choose a different date, and add an event < Return to Upcoming Events
All events for the day you have selected (Tuesday, March 17, 2020) are detailed below.
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This training is free, and include free CLE credit. They are open to legal services and private lawyers. Though the training is geared towards legal representation of homeowners, housing counselors would benefit from these trainings and find them helpful, as well. To register for the training, please contact Michelle Peterson at mpeterson@empirejustice.org.