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Calendar: Events for Tuesday, June 09, 2009

All events for the day you have selected (Tuesday, June 09, 2009) are detailed below.

 Trauma-Informed Care (Albany)  
Tuesday, June 09, 2009

MHANYS in conjunction with the New York State Coalition Against Sexual Assault (NYSCASA) is presenting a one day training on Trauma-Informed Care for Integrated Community Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Forensic, and Victim Services. The conference takes place on June 9th at the Beltrone Living Center in Albany.

The keynote speaker is Tonier Cain who is a wonderful presenter. This link goes to a film clip of a film still in production about her life and work. www.healingneen.com.

Tonier will be leading a team from the National Center for Trauma-Informed Care. This training is targeted to those working with or making policy decisions about children, adolescents and adults with trauma histories in contact with mental health, substance abuse, criminal justice, victim, and family services.

Cost of the training is only $25 and includes breakfast and lunch. For registration information, please go to www.mhanys.org

Building Connections: Sexual Assault and Mental Health Project presents Statewide Trauma Training: Trauma-Informed Care for Integrated Community Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Forensic, and Victim Services

June 9, 2009

8:30 am - 4 pm

Beltrone Living Center
Six Winners Circle
Albany, NY 12205

8:30 - 9:00 Registration & Light Breakfast

9:00 - 4:00 National Center for Trauma-Informed Care Trainers led by Tonier Cain

Tonier Cain is the team leader for the National Center for Trauma Informed Care which provides consultation, technical assistance, and training to revolutionize the way mental health and human services are organized, delivered and managed, while furthering the understanding of trauma-informed practices through education and outreach. She is a consumer advocate who is a national expert on trauma, addiction, incarceration, and recovery. Ms.Cain is featured in the documentary "Behind Closed Doors: Trauma Survivors and the Psychiatric System and is the subject in "Healing Neen", a documentary based on her life as she moved through multiple systems of care. She has served as a member of the federal Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with a Mental Illness (PAIMI) Council. Ms.Cain has also worked as a case manager and Director of Advocacy Services for a private non-profit in Annapolis, MD

Seating is limited.

Please register before June 3rd.

View more details and register online at http://www.MHANYS.org

For information contact:

Lorraine McMullin at (518) 434-0439 x211, lmcmullin@mhanys.org

Chrys Ballerano at (518) 482-4222 x308, cballerano@nyscasa.org

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