General information about the HIV-LEGAL listserv
Name: HIV-LEGAL: The HIV/AIDS Law and Policy Discussion List
Description: An Internet listserv for attorneys and others interested in HIV/AIDS law and policy, to exchange information, ideas, viewpoints, and inquiry about HIV/AIDS-related client services and legal and public policy issues. Qualifying subscribers (to be approved by the
listserv administrators) generate the content of the listserv by posting inquiries, case summaries and analyses, comments, announcements, references to resources, and other items of professional interest to colleagues by way of the
llistserv's e-mail address. A broad range of HIV/AIDS-related discussion topics is invited, including descriptions of products or methods that subscribers or their organizations have developed that may be of interest to colleagues.
Postings to HIV-LEGAL do not constitute legal advice or services and are not confidential. Subscribing to HIV-LEGAL does not establish an attorney-client relationship with anyone who receives or responds to any posting, and postings are not subject to attorney-client privilege. Subscribers are urged not to post privileged client information, and those seeking HIV/AIDS-related or other legal advice are urged to consult a licensed attorney privately.
Additional Notes
1) This is a private list, which means no one can use the "who" command to get the e-mail addresses of all the subscribers. No e-mail address of any subscriber will be shared with any other individuals or organizations unless the subscriber submits a private request to the
listserv administrators that it be shared.
2) This is an unmoderated listserv. No one edits or approves the messages before they go out to fellow subscribers.
3) The content of this listserv is meant for subscribers' personal use. Any material retained for personal use may change over time and may not continue to be relevant or accurate.
4) Individuals who meet the listserv subscription guidelines and want to subscribe are welcome to do so. Organizations as such are not invited to join, but are urged to encourage their members to join.
5) Listserv administrators reserve the right to unsubscribe any subscriber.