Strengthening Civil Legal Services
in New York
1998 FINAL
The 1998 Planning Process Steering Committee of
The Grantees of the IOLA Fund of the State of New
West 44th Street
New York, New York
Steering Committee Members
Steve Banks
The Legal Aid Society 90 Church Street New York, NY 10007 1.212.577.3277 1.212.577.7999 fax |
Steve Brown
Greater Upstate Law Project 80 St. Paul Street Rochester, NY 14604 1.716.454.6500 x.658 1.716.454.2518 fax |
Amy Christensen Southern Tier Legal Services 104 East Steuben Street Bath, NY 14810 1.607.776.4126 x.28 1.607.776.4029 fax |
Bob Elardo
Erie County Bar Association Volunteer Lawyers Project 700 Statler Towers Buffalo, NY 14202 1.716.847.0662 1.716.847.0307 fax |
Susan Horn
Frank H. Hiscock Legal Aid Society 351 S. Warren Street Syracuse, NY 13202 1.315.422.8191 x.125 1.315.472.2819 fax |
Steven Kelban
Root-Tilden-Snow Scholarship Program NYU Law School 40 Washington Sq. So. New York, NY 10012 1.212.998.6207 1.212.995.4529 fax |
Tom Maligno Nassau/Suffolk Law Services One Helen Keller Way Hempstead, NY 11550 1.516.292.8100 x.3011 1.516.292.6529 fax |
Jim Morrissey Western New York Law Center 295 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14203 1.716.855.0203 x.1 1.716.855.0203 fax |
Lillian Moy Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York 55 Columbia Street Albany, NY 12207 1.518.462.6765 x.304 1.518.427.8352 fax |
Bob Salzman
Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York 255 Genesee St. Utica, NY 13501 1.315.732.2134 x.240 1.315.732.3202 fax |
Andy Scherer
Legal Services for New York City 350 Broadway New York, NY 10013-9998 1.212.431.7200 x.121 1.212.966.9571 fax |
Joan Vermeulen
New York Lawyers for the Public Interest 30 West 21st Street New York NY 10010-6905 1.212.727.2270 1.212.727.2996 fax |
Lorna Blake IOLA Fund 36 West 44th Street New York, NY 10036 212.944.9640 212.944.9836 fax |
Stephen Brooks IOLA Fund 36 West 44th Street New York, NY 10036 212.944.9640 212.944.9836 fax |
Jerry Wein Consultant 130 Westland Avenue Rochester, NY 14618 716.454.6500 x.665 716.454.2518 fax |
Planning for Enhanced Outcomes
Strengthening Civil Legal Services in New York
1998 Final Report
Release of This Report and Status of the Planning Process
Project for the Future of Legal Services
A. Resource Development
What statewide financial resources are available for legal services to low-income persons within the state? How can these resources be preserved and expanded?
Current Activities and Analysis
During the
course of the 1980s and 1990s, legal services programs and staff unions across
the state have worked cooperatively to identify and secure new revenue sources
to meet client needs. As a result, New York programs have a diverse funding
base, including federal, state, local, and private funds. A recent IOLA
for example, found that in 1996 civil legal services programs in New York
received 19% ($17.4 million) of their funding from the federal Legal Services
Corporation (LSC), 19% (17.4 million) from city and county funding, 18% ($16.3
million) from state sources, 12% ($11.1 million) from IOLA, and the remaining
32% from a mixture of sources, including foundations, attorneys' fees, federal
sources other than LSC and miscellaneous sources such as contributions from the
private bar. With this varied combination of resources, there are legal services
programs that can provide a full range of direct services in every region of the
The diverse funding base in New York results
from significant fundraising efforts by programs across the state. The fact that
programs now receive local government funding in an amount equivalent to the
level of LSC funding for the state is in large part attributable to the strong
local identities and relationships which programs have developed. Cooperation
among programs is another key ingredient. Local providers in the Central New
York region, for example, have jointly applied for funding in appropriate cases
and pursued funding separately in their own counties. Likewise, in New York
City, the Legal Aid Society (LAS) and Legal Services for New York City (LSNY)
have successfully submitted joint funding requests to government, including
obtaining a Disability Advocacy Project grant from New York State.
The LAS raises nearly $8 million in private funding from
law firms and foundations. Similar private fundraising efforts are carried out
by other legal services programs in New York City and in other parts of the
state, including cooperative initiatives by programs in the Rochester area.
However, notwithstanding effective private fundraising efforts by New York
programs, the availability of private funding is far more limited in areas
outside of New York City which do not have the concentration of large national
law firms and foundations found in the city.
Despite significant cooperative efforts by the legal services community to secure an adequate funding base, the overriding limitation on the delivery of legal assistance for poor New Yorkers continues to be the lack of sufficient financial resources. Since the beginning of this decade, the largest sources of funding for civil legal services for poor persons in New York remain LSC and IOLA. Both have suffered serious declines in recent years, although for different reasons. LSC reduced its funding because Congress reduced its appropriation by almost one-third; IOLA funds decreased because of a decline in interest rates. In FY 1998, those sources are expected to generate nearly $40 million less than they did in 1992 on an inflation-adjusted basis.(2) There are no signs that these reductions will soon be reversed to any significant degree.
Because of these declines in funding, more poor New Yorkers are denied access to the protection of law. Society pays a price, too. Timely legal assistance can reduce the cost of state social services. To cite just a few examples:
The New York legal services community has attempted to address these funding
shortfalls through a statewide coalition effort to develop new funding from the
State of New York. The statewide funding coalition has involved program
managers, staff unions, and bar leaders. In recent years, for example, $5.8
million in annual state funding has been obtained to provide legal assistance to
secure federal disability benefits for disabled adults and children, thereby
saving state and local public assistance expenditures. Likewise, some $2 million
in annual state funding for homelessness prevention services, including legal
services, has been appropriated, which enables state and local government to
avert emergency shelter costs.
In addition, beginning
in 1993, annual appropriations of general state funding have been obtained for
31 programs to provide civil legal services in literally every community of the
state. These appropriations grew from $3 million in 1993 to $5.8 million in the
state fiscal year that ended on March 31, 1998. Without an ongoing statewide
collaborative effort, these general civil legal services funds could not have
been obtained. Unfortunately, in 1998 a $6.8 million appropriation for 1998-1999
was vetoed in April along with other, unrelated, funding initiatives and was not
restored when the legislative session ended in June because of an impasse in
overall budget restorations.
In May, however, the
Legal Services Project, a special committee of bar and business leaders
appointed by Chief Judge Judith Kaye of the New York Court of Appeals,
recommended that a $40 million annual funding appropriation for civil legal
services be allocated to the IOLA fund.(4)
The revenue source for this proposed annual appropriation would be based upon
the State of New York's Abandoned Property Fund. Establishment of this new,
ongoing revenue source for legal services would require legislation and is
expected to be addressed in the 1999 legislative session.
Agenda for the Future
Increasing the
financial resources for legal assistance requires a variety of approaches. The
major plans and recommendations are as follows:
B. Intake, Advice and Referral
How are intake and delivery of advice and referral services structured within the state? What steps can be taken to ensure a delivery network that maximizes client access, efficient delivery and high quality legal assistance?
Current Activities and Analysis
Since 1995,
many programs within New York have revised their intake procedures. Across the
state, local programs use a continuum of intake methods in order to maximize
client access. Most programs use a combination of telephone screening,
neighborhood office appointments and community outreach to identify new client
There has been no formal cataloging of the various intake procedures utilized in the state until this planning process was undertaken. Even now, the consensus is that there is a need for more intensive detailing of how intake is accomplished throughout the state. This issue will be dealt with later in this report along with other recommendations for future action.
For the purposes of this report however, the following are examples of efforts that have been in effect, initiated or expanded since 1995.
In 1996, Nassau/Suffolk Law Services restructured its intake system with the assistance of a two-year grant from the Rauch Foundation (a Long Island foundation that supports initiatives to assist children and families). The centerpiece of the restructuring is the Legal Education and Advocacy Project (LEAP) Hotline that began in 1996. It is centralized and located in the Law Services' Hempstead office in Nassau County. The hotline is open from 9:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. and currently has the capacity to take calls including emergencies. The philosophy behind the hotline is that many of the calls that come into Law Services can be handled on the telephone with advice, brief service or a referral. For those cases that are too complicated to discern over the telephone, a face-to-face appointment is given with an attorney. The hotline provides an intensive, sophisticated service. It assesses a caller's legal problem, reviews all pertinent legal documents by phone, fax or mail, offers expert legal advice, engages in necessary legal research, and provides a follow-up letter confirming the problem and advice given and informational materials on public benefits and housing problems. It also retains the capacity to handle "walk-ins" to serve low-income households that do not have access to telephones. The hotline is currently staffed by a social worker, paralegals and attorneys (on a rotating basis). On hotline days, there is a minimum of three people assigned to cover the calls. During the first year the hotline was open for calls, 2,300 new clients were given advice and counsel, provided with brief service or given a referral to a more appropriate agency.
Neighborhood Legal Services of Buffalo (NLS) conducts intake primarily by telephone, using paralegals who are assigned to substantive law units (Public Benefits, Family, Housing and Disability) and are, therefore, well versed in their field. Callers self-select the substantive area of law in which they seek assistance. The paralegals enter information directly into the client database that conducts all of the necessary conflict checks. NLS conducts intake every day but shuts down after the paralegals have taken a predetermined number of calls. The number of calls accepted is based on NLS' historical experience of the number of clients per day to whom the paralegals can provide meaningful services and accomplish their other job duties. NLS charges the paralegals to solve the client's problem by telephone if possible. Where that is not possible, the paralegals give clients in-person appointments. All clients receive confirmation of the advice given, brief services rendered and/or a referral. NLS sends appointment letters to clients who are brought into the office. NLS also conducts in-person intake at the Erie County Department of Social Services daily, the Housing Court two days a week, the Perry Housing Project once a month, the Seneca Nation reservation twice a month, and five soup kitchens once a week.
The Rochester-based Community Legal Intake and Referral Project (CLIRP), provides consolidated telephone reception, intake, client screening and referral services. Through the collaborative efforts of the Monroe County Legal Assistance Corporation (MCLAC), the Public Interest Law Office of Rochester (PILOR), the Volunteer Legal Services Project (VLSP) and Main West Attorneys at Law, CLIRP has expanded from a part-time telephone intake and referral agency to a full-time operation that handles approximately 10,000 intake calls and over 50,000 calls through its central reception services. CLIRP is staffed by a half-time attorney, two paralegals and two full-time and one half-time intake specialists. CLIRP collects up-to-the-minute information on intake and case acceptance guidelines of each of the Monroe County legal service providers. It uses this information to refer callers to the appropriate legal service provider, or government or human service agency. Thus, Monroe County residents can call just one phone number and receive information on available legal resources and the method of accessing those resources. Callers who are not eligible for assistance from a legal service agency, or who have issues not covered by those providers, are given self-help advice, if appropriate, or are referred to the Monroe County Bar Association's Lawyer Referral Service. CLIRP has a budget of $155,000 and is funded by IOLA, the Foundation of the Monroe County Bar, the New York State Bar Foundation, and three of the legal service providers -- MCLAC, PILOR, and VLSP.
In New York City, during the past year the two largest providers of civil legal services, LSNY and LAS, have begun meeting with many other providers of civil legal services to explore methods to standardize intake and further meld the priority setting process. This is a complex undertaking that has brought together staff, pro bono, specialty and geographically-diverse programs.
LSNY offices have established a number of hotlines and helplines in recent years. MFY Legal Services initiated hotlines in housing, public assistance, Social Security/SSI, family law and immigration law, as well as a Chinese-language hotline and a hotline for mentally disabled clients. Bedford Stuyvesant Community Legal Services has initiated telephone intake. Queens Legal Services maintains helplines in employment law, consumer law, family law, housing law, SSI and other government benefits. South Brooklyn Legal Services operates hotlines in housing, government benefits, SSI, family and consumer law. Bronx Legal Services maintains a family law hotline. Legal Services for the Elderly maintains the New York Pension Hotline, which offers statewide pension (and other employee benefits) counseling and referral to attorneys, actuaries and others. Brooklyn Legal Services Corporation A and Harlem Legal Services operate housing advice lines. In addition, most LSNY offices have developed off-site intake programs at community organizations, senior citizens centers and the like.
Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation (NMIC) is a direct legal services provider in New York City's Washington Heights and Inwood neighborhoods in upper Manhattan. The area is among the city's poorest with one of the highest percentages of immigrant and non-English speaking residents. Beginning in 1996, a grant from IOLA enhanced NMIC's ability to provide significant class action and impact litigation services as well as establish a full Public Benefits Unit in collaboration with Fordham University School of Law's clinical program, Lincoln Square Legal Services. The unit has focused on the delivery of public benefits legal services and the expansion of citywide impact cases which federally-funded legal services providers are barred from handling. Law students who participated in the clinic have gone on to develop remote access capabilities and provide World Wide Web space for client-oriented material prepared under the project.
The Medicare Rights Center (MRC) of New York City counsels callers through its telephone hotline; prepares and distributes educational material; advocates on behalf of Medicare beneficiaries and assists and trains beneficiaries and representatives. In 1997, MRC provided telephone assistance to approximately 51,000 callers, distributed more than 300,000 educational materials to individuals and organizations and provided training to more than 3,100 seniors, people with disabilities and their representatives.
The Association of the Bar of the City of New York operates a significant citywide program that provides general legal assistance on a broad range of issues and targeted referrals. Known as SHIELD (The Center for Self-Help, Information, Education and Legal Defense), the Association's program promotes and expedites access to appropriate pro bono services for low income clients via a computerized telephone referral system. It empowers citizens with legal information and knowledge through self-help clinics. In 1997, its first eight months of full operation, SHIELD received more than 7,000 calls. It advised 41 percent and referred 20 percent to legal assistance providers, referred 10 percent to the Association's Legal Referral Service and another 10 percent to the Association's matrimonial project. The remainder needed non-legal referral and were sent to the Association's legal education program, "Monday Night Law," or were sent written materials, or did not have a problem of a legal nature. SHIELD has also been maintaining a database of intake procedures for legal services providers throughout New York City. This information is updated periodically. They are currently working in collaboration with LSNY, LAS and Pro Bono Net to develop a joint on-line referral directory for the sole purpose of giving legal and social services providers throughout New York City access to this information.
North County Legal Services operates a regional intake system. It includes toll-free telephone access and client walk-in five days per week, seven hours per day, and outreach twice monthly in four locations.
Westchester/Putnam Legal Services and the Legal Aid Society of Rockland County, working with the Western New York Law Center, (WNYLC) are developing a technology plan for the mid-Hudson region that includes technological improvements to their current systems.
In New York City, LAS has initiated a community outreach program in collaboration with community-based organizations to provide greater access to civil legal services for immigrants. Each month, LAS staff schedule intake appointments at community organizations in immigrant communities in Washington Heights, Sunset Park, Crown Heights, Flushing and Kew Gardens. LAS Homeless Rights Project staff also conducts outreach intake at shelter facilities throughout the city and LAS' Brooklyn Neighborhood Office opened an outreach site for weekly intake in Crown Heights.
In Central New York, a Quick Reference Table for Free Legal Services was developed by Hiscock Legal Aid Society (HLAS) and Legal Services of Central New York (LSCNY) through their Pro Bono Consortium. It is used by the receptionists at all legal service providers' offices for information and referral and includes information about services available from Syracuse area programs including: HLAS, LSCNY, Assigned Counsel, Syracuse University College of Law clinical programs and the Volunteer Lawyer Project.
Agenda for the Future
The issues involved in
intake are varied and complex. Accordingly, the Steering Committee and the
provider community have determined that a statewide conference is essential to
further discussions and innovation in this area. Thus, in addition to
technological steps that can be taken in the near term, as also described below,
the principle plan for action is to hold such a meeting in the immediate future.
- Review and catalog current intake procedures;
- Explore expansion of the use of new technology;
- Explore the possibility of standardization of reporting mechanisms, including software;
- Develop an ongoing mechanism to evaluate intake in the future and a plan to continue necessary evolution;
- Review and expand use of pro bono assistance with intake, advice and referral;
- Review current intake systems that have centralized intake within a specific service area by partnering with human services providers within the community;
- Consider regional or statewide telephone help lines for discrete subject areas;
- Explore the difficulty of special populations (elderly or disabled persons, etc.) in accessing legal services intake procedures;
- Continue contact with the New York State Office of Court Administration and provide input regarding its pro se efforts;
- Explore the New York State and local bar associations' legal information and referral service programs;
- Formalize statewide contact with other national, state and local programs to continuously be aware of the current status of intake procedures.
C. Technology
Is there a state legal services technology plan? How can technological capacities be developed statewide to assure compatibility, promote efficiency, improve quality and expand services to clients?
Current Activities and Analysis
New York
programs, especially LSC grantees, are generally more advanced than programs in
other states in using technology to serve clients. Most programs have a computer
on each advocate's desk, are networked, use interoffice mail and use some sort
of computerized case management system.
Many offices
have recently made technology purchases and are working within the Windows 95/98
environment. This means that many offices have hardware that is sufficient to
run many of the applications that will be useful to them in the near term.
New York has a statewide technology project housed at
WNYLC and the Legal Services Support Unit of LSNY. New York has a statewide web
site designed and maintained specifically for legal services advocates. The web
site is visited hundreds of times per week by advocates. New York has a
bimonthly technology newsletter prepared by WNYLC and mailed to legal services
New York has also invested funds in
software development. WNYLC has recently developed a case
management/intake/timekeeping program called TIME that more and more programs
are using. For example, in Western New York, the Niagara County Legal Aid
Society, NLS, Southern Tier Legal Services and Legal Assistance of the Finger
Lakes use TIME and other programs have the system under active consideration.
WNYLC, with the Greater Upstate Law Project, Inc. (GULP) is also issuing a
document assembly program for advocates who handle Supplemental Security Income
benefits cases. Upon issuing this software, New York hopes to progress to the
development of other software programs using common standards.
New York could engage in more local and statewide planning and
coordination with a goal to moving toward some common standards. When programs
make purchases, they often do so without having a technology plan in place or an
understanding as to how that purchase fits in with what other programs are
doing. This can lead to programs making mistakes when they discover that what
they purchased does not work with older software applications they were using,
or that the purchase was not planned to take advantage of new applications that
are just around the corner.
However, New York lacks a
dedicated source of funding for technology purchases. Many programs realize that
certain technologies would help them provide more high quality legal services to
clients. But the current fiscal climate, where programs are preparing plans to
lay off staff, creates an intolerable tension. When they ask: "do we buy a
computer or preserve staff," most programs will understandably answer "preserve
staff." This tension is not unique to New York but is experienced by programs
across the country, and in the nonprofit world generally.
New York, like states across the country, lacks local expert assistance
for programs that have invested in technology. The lack of a local technical
support person remains a serious problem for many programs.
Last, many staff do not have access to the Internet. This means that
staff are not able to send or receive e-mail outside of the office, participate
in listserves in their substantive areas of law, participate in electronic
forums that can be used to provide peer-to-peer supervision, use the web site of
the WNYLC or avail themselves of the other useful materials on the Internet.
Determining how programs should use technology in their
day-to-day practices is complicated and must begin with an analysis, not of the
available technology, but rather of how they can better serve clients.
The range of programs providing civil legal services to
low income people is great, ranging from programs with only a few employees to
programs with hundreds. Over the years, programs have made radically different
investments in technology. Some programs are near state-of-the-art while others
have eschewed technology and targeted their resources differently. Contrary to
the commonly held belief, there is no correlation between program size and
investments in technology. Indeed, many smaller LSC grantees are among the most
technologically advanced. Regardless of how a program invested in the past, the
current funding picture for many programs creates a tension between making
capital investments and meeting personnel costs.
use of technology within the legal services practice falls within three general
Projecting over the next several years, the use of technology to help in
decision analysis and as an autonomous tool will grow significantly but will
probably not have a profound impact on the day-to-day practices of most legal
services advocates.
But using technology as a
communication tool is another matter. The use of e-mail is now commonplace. More
than 70 million American adults use the Internet, an increase of 18 million over
the last nine months. While low income people do not have wide access to these
tools, the people and agencies, with which legal services programs and low
income people regularly interact, do. Indeed, many of the recommendations
contained in this plan assume a minimum level of technology within an office and
desktop access to the Internet for advocates. Such a minimum level, once
achieved, should allow providers statewide, in conjunction with WNYLC to:
Underlying the recommendations in this paper is a belief in the benefit of
having legal services advocates connected across New York State. The Committee
is convinced that such statewide connectivity will redound significantly to the
benefit of our clients.
Many programs have limited
funds to spend on technology. The Committee, however, is concerned that programs
that fail to invest in technology as an effective communication tool could be
digging a hole out of which they cannot climb. The use of technology as a
communication tool is becoming as ubiquitous and as essential as the telephone.
Moreover, as other software applications become cheap and readily available
(document assembly for example), these programs will not be poised to take
advantage of them.
Agenda for the
Because technology is a crucial area for achieving
greater efficiency in the delivery of legal services, the Committee has
formulated a number of specific plans and recommendations, as follows:
- They will not be able to send or receive e-mail from their desktop without it. Experience shows that installing e-mail on a central machine that advocates must leave their desk to check regularly, defeats the advantages of e-mail. E-mail is checked less frequently and is frequently "lost." Effective communication is inhibited not enhanced.
- Advocates will not be able to participate meaningfully in the forums that will be set up on the WNYLC web site. These forums could be the single most effective means for advocates from across the state to provide and receive peer supervision and share late-breaking information.
- As more-and-more materials migrate to the World Wide Web, advocates will need access to it. A few examples of materials available on the Web include: New York court slip opinions in word searchable format; United States Supreme Court and post-1992 Circuit Court opinions in word searchable format; United States Code, the Code of Federal Regulations and the Federal Register in word searchable format; New York statutes and some regulations; source materials posted by such agencies as the US Departments of HHS and HUD and relevant New York State agencies; and materials posted by substantive law experts from the Welfare Law Center, the National Health Law Project and the National Senior Citizens Law Center.
D. Coordination of Legal Work, Training, Information and Expert Assistance
Do program staff and pro bono attorneys throughout the state receive the training and have access to information and expert assistance necessary for the delivery of high quality legal services? How can statewide capacities be developed and strengthened to meet these needs?
Current Activities and Analysis
New York has a
wide variety of institutions and resources to coordinate, support and enhance
the delivery of legal services.
New York's strong, regionally-based substantive law task
forces offer an effective way for advocates to share developments and emerging
trends in substantive areas of law and to share strategies to address the
problems of low-income clients. The task forces are convened by experts in the
field and have active participation by advocates at all levels of experience,
including those from large and small programs, urban and rural areas. Areas in
which task forces exist include: education, housing, family, food stamps, HIV,
Social Security/SSI and welfare.
Statewide and regional programs provide
training in substantive law, skills and technology. These offices which
include GULP, the LAS (of New York City), the LSNY Legal Support Unit, Public
Interest Law Office of Rochester (PILOR), Public Utility Law Project (PULP),
WNYLC, the Rural Law Center, Farmworker Legal Services of New York and the
Farmworker Law Project of the Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York organize
scores of events that provide comprehensive training for legal services
advocates and pro bono attorneys on a broad range of issues. Many of
these programs are, or are seeking to become, New York State-certified providers
of Continuing Legal Education (CLE).
Legal services programs can obtain immediate access to new developments in
areas of law through the WNYLC web site, which is updated on a daily basis. In
addition, a large amount of printed material is regularly sent to advocates
regionally and throughout the state, such as GULP's Legal Services
Journal, the LSNY Legal Support Unit's monthly update mailings in a number
of substantive areas, the New York Legal Assistance Group's newsletter and the
Welfare Law Center's Welfare News. This update material is especially
useful in the area of welfare reform, where so much of state laws, regulations
and policies are changing.
Advocates in New York have access to comprehensive
written and electronic resource materials in substantive areas
of law affecting low-income clients, including: Public Benefits in New
York (Barry Strom, Cornell Law School), Welfare Reform Training
Materials (GULP), Residential Landlord-Tenant Law in New York
(Andy Scherer), Disability Advocacy Manual and DAP Conference
Materials (GULP). Document assembly systems have been developed for use in
landlord-tenant cases, Social Security Disability and SSI cases, matrimonial and
bankruptcy cases.
Creative partnerships among legal services providers, bar
associations and pro bono programs, law schools, training institutes
and nonlegal services providers have expanded training opportunities, and access
to experts and information, for advocates. The most notable statewide example is
the previously-mentioned Legal Assistance Partnership Conference, a
collaborative effort of legal assistance providers and NYSBA that in October
1998 presented more than seventy training and task force sessions for advocates
from around the state. Through new funding initiatives, such as the S.T.O.P.
Violence Against Women Act, legal assistance programs are collaborating to
provide training to advocates working with victims of domestic violence. GULP,
the Legal Aid Society of Rochester and the Family Violence Clinic at the
University at Buffalo Law School, for example, provide training and support on
domestic violence issues to programs throughout the western part of the state.
This patchwork of resources does a good job of
assuring that advocates throughout the state have access to the information,
training and expertise they need to provide high quality legal assistance.
However, in order to optimize our ability to provide quality legal assistance
that addresses the full range of legal needs of low-income households in New
York, we can, and should, as a community, do an even better job of coordinating
existing resources. There is a need for more coordination among providers to
ensure that legal services staff and pro bono attorneys are made aware
of and receive relevant training in skills and substantive areas (including
ethics, technology, and management issues) that also meets mandatory CLE
requirements. More sparsely populated areas of the state, in particular, need
resources to address the time and expense involved in traveling to training
events. There is also a need for better sharing of information, for coordination
of advocacy strategies, and for a system of referral between organizations
engaged in providing direct individual services and those providing
administrative/legislative advocacy and impact litigation to ensure that
low-income clients have access to a full range of legal services. There are also
areas in which we need to better coordinate resources and share expertise,
including community economic development and ethics.
Agenda for the Future
area requires the improved coordination of existing activities, as well as the
development of new ones. Certain steps were decided upon in the planning process
and are stated below, but more remains to be done. Plans and recommendations
- Identify regional training needs (including substantive law, legal skills, ethics, management issues, leadership development, technology);
- Identify staff in local programs with expertise to conduct training;
- Ensure that, to the extent possible, training satisfies CLE requirements;
- Ensure that the training is delivered to staff regionally;
- Ensure that training information is posted to the WNYLC web site.
E. Access to the Courts, Self-help and Preventive Education
What are the major barriers low-income persons face in gaining access to justice in the state? What efforts can be taken on a statewide basis to expand client access to the courts, provide preventive legal education and advice, and enhance self-help opportunities for low-income people?
Current Activities and Analysis
Alan Houseman, a national expert on legal services, has commented that
support for pro se activities is limited, but increasing:
Recently, there has been growing interest in creating initiatives on pro se assistance both within legal services programs and as part of statewide access to justice planning initiatives. While there are only a few operating programs at this time, many more are being contemplated and a number of experimental initiatives are beginning.(6)
As to other developments such as self-help kiosks and pro se oriented web sites, Houseman observed that local experimentation is found in several communities. He advises greater attention to these new forms of self-help:
The civil legal assistance system needs to explore and experiment with these approaches in order to help the growing number of pro se litigants navigate the court system more effectively and to provide concrete services to more clients in an efficient manner. While pro se assistance efforts are not substitutes for direct representation, they are a critical element of a civil legal assistance system and must be developed, evaluated, improved and funded.(7)
The Steering Committee discussed the many aspects of access issues as they
are being debated across the country today and agreed that the primary
responsibility of legal assistance programs is to provide high quality, direct
legal services to low-income persons.
The Committee
agreed that no self-help option should be viewed as a substitute for full
representation provided by professional legal services attorneys. The Committee
supports efforts to disseminate client education materials which inform clients
of their rights. However, the Committee is concerned about the dissemination of
materials which purport to tell clients how to represent themselves when
experience shows that pro se litigants fare more poorly than
represented litigants. Partial or misleading information could be provided to
clients through such means as legal information kiosks in courthouses. Such
efforts may simply create the illusion of providing legal help to people who
cannot effectively represent themselves.
se assistance can be a helpful tool for some low-income clients in a
limited number of simple legal disputes. However, it is not an effective means
for most clients to assert their rights and interests in contested court
proceedings. This is due, in part, because New York law and the New York court
system are not set up to accommodate pro se representation, and because
of language, education, physical and mental disabilities and other barriers
faced by clients. Further, it must be recognized that our clients, unlike those
with greater financial resources, will not have a choice between pro se
and actual legal representation and will most often be confronted by opponents
who are represented by attorneys, putting them at even greater disadvantage.
The Committee also briefly addressed the issue of
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and noted that while ADR does not provide
clients with greater access to courts, it is an increasingly available means of
obtaining greater access to dispute resolution services and is therefore a
viable adjunct to traditional forums. The Committee, however, is concerned that
poor clients could be disadvantaged in such a setting if their opponent has
counsel and they do not, just as they would be similarly disadvantaged in court.
For that reason, ADR raises many of the same concerns about adequate
representation that have been previously mentioned. Nevertheless, under
appropriate circumstances, ADR can be a valuable means of bringing conflict
resolution services to poor clients.
The strengths of
the current activities, involving access to the courts, self-help and preventive
education, were determined by the Committee to be as follows:
Agenda for the Future
Programs should create a
statewide legal education committee to explore and plan a clearinghouse of
community legal education materials to be posted on the WNYLC web site. These
materials would be accessible to clients and other service providers primarily
through community organizations and agencies. Regional collaboratives, such as
those discussed in the configuration section of this report, should organize the
materials to insure that they are relevant to local issues and practice.
Responsibilities of the statewide committee or regional collaboratives, as
appropriate, would be to:
F. Private Attorney Involvement (PAI)
What is the status of private attorney involvement (PAI) in the state? What statewide efforts can be undertaken to increase the involvement of private attorneys in the delivery of legal services?
Current Activities and Analysis
bono has a long and rich history in New York. Several pro bono
programs have existed for 15 years or more. Currently, New York's private
attorneys provide an impressive amount of pro bono assistance to poor
persons in civil matters. A report(8)
published by a special NYSBA committee found that:
New York lawyers have compiled an exemplary record of effort to improve access to justice for the state's indigent. The voluntary efforts of the state, local and other bar associations are making a difference. Working together with legal services and pro bono programs, judges, law schools and others, they have demonstrated a strong commitment to addressing these unmet needs and to facilitating societal action necessary to eliminate those needs.
In fact, a survey that was conducted by a special panel appointed by New
York's Chief Judge, the Pro Bono Review Committee, showed that 46.9% of
attorneys whose principal place of business was in the state reported performing
some qualifying pro bono service in 1992.(9)
There are more than seventy-five pro bono
programs in New York. These programs are local in nature and in focus. Outside
of New York City, the geographic coverage of the pro bono programs is
generally the same as that of the local LSC recipient. The NYSBA publishes a
booklet: Pro Bono Opportunities: A Guide for Lawyers Outside of New York
Within New York City there are more than fifty programs. Some of these programs cover specific counties, boroughs, or neighborhoods. Others are organized by subject matter or by size of the pro bono law firm. Many are engaged in innovative and collaborative projects. A few examples of their activities include:
An effort has been begun to help the New York City programs to be even better
coordinated. Michael Hertz, a partner at a major New York City law firm, has
taken a leave of absence for a fellowship at the Open Society Institute. He is
devoting his fellowship to creating an Internet network of pro bono
programs and pro bono volunteers. The network, Pro Bono Net,
will assist pro bono programs in recruiting pro bono attorneys
and referring pro bono cases. It will also assist pro bono
attorneys in identifying cases of interest, accessing training materials and
seeking technical assistance.(10)
Moreover, while the original focus of Pro Bono Net is New York City,
Mr. Hertz has indicated a strong desire to develop Pro Bono Net
networks for upstate programs, as well.
A national
coordination resource is located in New York City, as well. Pro Bono
Students America, at New York University School of Law, is a database that
allows students at 110 member schools to search for pro bono
placements. The database currently lists almost 7,000 organizations with
available pro bono opportunities. Students' experiences inculcate a
pro bono ethic that continues to inform their work after they become
On a statewide basis, there is the New York
Pro bono Coordinators Network (NYPBCN). When formed in 1984, it was one
of the first such statewide organizations of pro bono managers in the
country. NYPBCN is technically a subcommittee of the NYSBA Committee on Legal
Aid, a committee which helps to keep legal services and pro bono on the
agenda of the NYSBA. NYPBCN has 103 members, representing more than 50 pro
bono programs from all areas of New York. The Network meets several times a
year and provides an excellent forum for staff of pro bono programs to
share information, strategies and new ideas. The Network also provides an
organized means for pro bono programs to be heard collectively on
issues of statewide and national importance. The Network has always enjoyed the
support of the NYSBA, which provides staff and financial support to facilitate
the work of the Network.
In 1991, the NYSBA created
the Department of Pro Bono Affairs and hired its first Director. The
Director and his staff, provide staff support for the Network, as well as for
other bar committees focused on pro bono and/or legal services. The
Department provides technical support for pro bono programs and
distributes information of importance to pro bono programs through its
quarterly newsletter, Pro Bono News, and regular mailings to pro
bono programs affiliated with the Network.
Another statewide entity of importance for coordination of pro
bono efforts in New York is the NYSBA President's Committee on Access to
Justice. Formed in 1989, it enjoys a high profile and the President-elect of the
Bar is annually appointed as one of the Committee's co-chairs. The Committee is
charged to consider and implement methods for enhancing access by the indigent
to the civil legal system. Among other things, the Committee encourages lawyers
to provide more legal services to the poor, pro bono, and works to
obtain adequate funding for programs designed to assure that the poor have
access to civil justice. The Committee accomplishes these objectives through
different strategies, including cooperation with local bar associations and
other public and private associations and agencies. Three members of the NYPBCN
are also members of the Access to Justice Committee.
The Department of Pro Bono Affairs and the Marketing
Department of the NYSBA recently conducted a statewide Pro Bono
Awareness Campaign, under the direction of the Access to Justice Committee. The
purposes of this campaign were to create awareness among lawyers of the need for
pro bono volunteers and donors and the urgency of that need, the value
and impact of pro bono work and the responsibility of lawyers regarding
pro bono issues. Two ads were developed and placed in publications
around the state a total of 59 times. This was in addition to other publicity,
posting on the NYSBA Internet site and direct mail to 8,000 attorneys and law
This campaign was one of the latest examples of statewide coordinated efforts to
assist local pro bono programs. The campaign was actually designed
based upon an earlier coordinated project in which the NYSBA commissioned a
study by a marketing expert on why New York attorneys do and do not volunteer
their time and/or money for legal services for the poor.(12)
In addition since 1985, the NYSBA has given annual
pro bono awards for the most outstanding pro bono work in each
judicial district in the state.
It is the conclusion
of the Steering Committee that the current pro bono system of working
locally and coordinating regionally and statewide is a strength of the over all
delivery system in New York. The NYSBA has similarly concluded that:
. . . the best, the strongest and the most effective volunteer efforts have evolved at a local level, when the local bar, paid legal services staff and the local judiciary and others have come together cooperatively to access the local need and to tailor a local solution. The State Bar Plan strives to replicate that formula for success by relying on local bars for the specific design of local plans.(13)
The Steering Committee is aware of no evidence that contradicts that conclusion, indeed it is clear that:
Agenda for the Future
The Committee believes
that pro bono can be strengthened in the following ways:
G. System Configuration
How should the legal services programs be configured within the state to maximize the effective and economical delivery of high quality legal services to eligible clients within a comprehensive, integrated delivery system?
Current Activities and Analysis
The legal
assistance delivery system for poor clients in New York consists principally of
grantees of the IOLA Fund, which includes all LSC grantees. Consistent with its
statutory mission, IOLA, over the past few years, has expanded the number of
grantees and increased the number of grant awards for the delivery of legal
services because of large underserved populations, some of whom have highly
specialized needs such as immigrants, children, and disabled persons; geographic
considerations, such as the many low income people residing in rural areas and
newly-poor areas resulting from changes in the distribution of poor people
across neighborhoods or counties; the loss of services caused by Congressional
restrictions placed on LSC-funded providers and the need to develop alternative
forms of dispute resolution.
Small grants, focused on
particular problems, under the right circumstances, can be effective, cost
efficient and can leverage resources and other support which lead to increases
in direct services and innovation in delivery mechanisms. IOLA's grantmaking has
also helped build significant community and bar support for the continued
funding of civil legal services for the poor at the state and local levels.
The Steering Committee believes that the best way to
develop and implement statewide initiatives to improve service delivery,
increase resources and enhance the capacity of this system to meet the civil
legal needs of low income people throughout the state, is through intensive
program collaboration at both the state and regional levels, without altering
service areas or historical relationships at this time.
However, it is also agreed that the present configuration should not
restrict future configurations from evolving; rather, the form of the
configuration should follow the function of the system, which is to maximize and
develop a full array of high quality legal and related services to clients
throughout the state. Mergers of programs and reconfigurations should not be
undertaken for their own sake, but when undertaken must result in significant
cost savings and/or improved or expanded services to clients. The benefits
achieved through merger or reconfiguration must clearly outweigh the
disadvantages and costs associated with disrupting the existing configuration.
Programs, to date, have not identified administrative
or other cost savings to justify merger or reconfiguration. The LSC-funded
programs in Western New York studied this issue extensively during a series of
six meetings held from February through September 1998. Administrative costs
were found to be generally low, even in small programs where project directors
still carry partial caseloads and administrative support staff perform multiple
functions, from officer manager to bookkeeper to in-house computer
troubleshooter to secretary. Advances in technology and the acquisition of
inexpensive bookkeeping and accounting software have also led to reduced
administrative costs and increased efficiency. In addition, small programs have
derived benefits from close relationships with local governments and other human
services providers. For example, one small program receives free space and
utilities and two other small programs have collaborative arrangements for local
computer consultants.
When compared to the charges
that would be assessed by a larger program in order to take over the
administrative functions for a smaller program, no cost savings were identified.
A significant additional factor that weighs against merger is the differential
in staff salary and fringe benefits in individual programs which, if merged,
could cause a reduction in the total number of case handlers as salary and
fringe benefits became equalized. This is especially true in small programs like
the Niagara County Legal Aid Society and North Country Legal Services whose
neighboring programs have more highly compensated staff.
Key strengths and weaknesses of the present configuration are set forth
Resource Development
programs, regardless of size, raise significant amounts of non-LSC funding. For
example, Legal Aid for Broome and Chenango in 1997 raised $637,885 compared to
its LSC grant of $232,309 making it the fourth best-funded program in the state
on a dollar per poor person basis -- $24.53.
Programs have collaborated on a statewide basis to obtain state grants and continue to do so for services involving disability advocacy, domestic violence, homelessness prevention, and advocacy and protection grants. Until recently, a number of programs were also successful in obtaining general purpose state funding. As discussed in the resources section of this report, programs are now working collaboratively to support a $40 million state appropriation for civil legal services as recommended by the Chief Judge's Legal Services Project.
Programs have collaborated on a regional basis to raise additional funding
and continue to do so. For example, four programs in the Central Region of New
York contracted with a grant writer and applied for a grant for the combined
regional service area. Three programs in the western part of the state have also
recently collaborated on a regional funding proposal.
Programs have collaborated with each other and social services
organizations in the same region to obtain additional funding and continue to do
so. In the Central New York region, two legal services programs, one funded by
LSC, were recently awarded a U. S. Department of Justice grant for Civil Legal
Assistance for Victims of Domestic Violence in a collaborative effort that will
also involve partnerships with local community-based organizations and domestic
violence shelter providers. In Utica, a special state grant was received by the
LSC provider and a family counseling provider to prevent the unnecessary
placement and retention of children in foster care; the same LSC provider has
joined four other local agencies in a joint application for a federal
welfare-to-work grant. In Rochester, one LSC provider has worked collaboratively
with other legal assistance and social services providers to obtain additional
United Way funding. Nassau/Suffolk Law Services received $150,000 from the
Nassau and Suffolk County Bar Associations to support jointly run pro
bono efforts. The LSNY Legal Support Unit has partnered with the New York
Association for New Americans, and the New York Society for the Deaf to obtain
support from the Fund for New Citizens for a collaborative project to assist
immigrants with government benefits issues. In addition, the LAS of New York
City has entered into a retainer arrangement with the Coalition for the Homeless
to fund a staff attorney to provide legal assistance to homeless persons.
Access to Services
The present configuration promotes
client access to legal services programs throughout the state through the wide
distribution of local offices and intake sites established by locally-based
Programs identify the needs of clients at
the local level through the priority-setting process and allocate resources
accordingly. The process is efficient and assures that local needs are not
easily overlooked or ignored. Local control has meant responsiveness to local
needs. An example is the work performed by Brooklyn Legal Services Corporation A
in providing legal services to a community group in order to establish a
community-based health care center.
Programs in the
present configuration are able to respond to the needs of clients to appear in
many local and town and village justice courts that are dispersed throughout the
state, with more than 100 such courts in the North Country alone. Larger
configurations would make this important type of representation needed by
low-income clients more difficult and costly, especially throughout rural areas
of the state.
Innovation and
The present configuration of strong, local,
independent programs provides a fertile ground for experimentation and
innovation without jeopardizing a substantial part of the delivery system. For
example, pro se divorce clinics developed by Legal Aid Society of
Northeastern New York are now being developed in North Country Legal Services
and Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York. Programs in the western part of the state
have agreed to form the Western Community Legal Education and Training
Diverse and Specialized
Many programs in the state provide services to clients with
a particular category of legal need or who are members of a category with
similar needs. A few of many that could be cited include:
Responsiveness to Changing Needs
The present
configuration is responsive to changes that affect the ability of LSC providers
to deliver the full array of legal representation needed by clients, as when the
LSC statute was amended to restrict the work that could be performed by LSC
grantees and the use of non-LSC funds. As an example of such responsiveness,
IOLA has supported new providers such as law school fellows, WNYLC and the Rural
Law Center to fill the void that was created.
have demonstrated that the configuration can change when it is the best way to
improve or expand services. Several examples illustrate this point: in 1990
Mid-Mohawk Legal Services decided to dissolve and invited the Legal Aid Society
of Mid-New York to cover its service area; in 1996 the Legal Aid Society of
Rockland County, the Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York and
Westchester/Putnam Legal Services began serving the area formerly served by
Mid-Hudson Legal Services and, in 1997, Oak Orchard Legal Services voluntarily
subcontracted with Monroe County Legal Assistance Corporation instead of
receiving LSC funding directly.
To maintain the
quality of New York's diverse network of providers and to ensure responsiveness
to changing needs, IOLA manages a thorough grantee reporting and evaluation
system that has been recognized nationally as one of the best funder-based
systems for ensuring quality. Through the IOLA reporting system all IOLA
grantees, including those that also receive funds from LSC, report annually on
the details of their programs' operations, including cases handled and outcomes.
The compilation of this material by IOLA provides an effective means of
evaluation and comparison, ensuring that quality is maintained or that the
system can knowledgeably adapt in response to changing needs.
System Leadership
The system has facilitated the
growth of a diverse network of leaders. Many project directors meet regularly as
a group in the Project Directors Association to review issues of legal services
management and funding. The group has continued to expand its membership and
coordinates statewide efforts to obtain, maintain and restore state funding (in
areas such as disability advocacy and homelessness prevention).
The current configuration benefits from conscious leadership development by
the Project Directors Association and the IOLA Fund. Programs have also
developed regional leadership through collaboration in a variety of areas. This
includes substantive task forces upstate and New York City, mutual funding
efforts and the regional meetings prompted by this state planning process.
Local boards of directors foster development of board and
bar leadership who strongly support legal services. Local board members,
familiar with the work of their local programs, are the best advocates at the
local and statewide bar.
Challenges of the
Present Configuration
Programs in the entire configuration do not
meet on a regular basis and there is no support staff to assist the present
leadership to prepare for the meetings and to follow-up on agreed-to actions.
There are many project directors, from programs that do not receive LSC funds,
who do not attend the joint provider meetings.
the present configuration has worked well together on important funding
decisions, state planning requirements and the organization of the Legal
Assistance Partnership Conference, there are areas where the legal services
community could be more proactive.
The decentralized
configuration of many separate providers challenges their ability to work
collaboratively on important issues. Throughout this report, the Steering
Committee has identified such opportunities in each of the key areas (such as
resource development, coordination of legal work, intake and technology).
Through the continuation of this planning process, the Committee anticipates
that we will develop programs and prioritize action plans for each of these
areas. Through such continuation of the planning process, the Committee expects
that programs will be able to meet the challenges posed by the state's
decentralized configuration.
Leadership is needed to
ensure continuous state planning, however, and especially to take responsibility
for achieving the plans and recommendations set forth herein. Additionally,
widely respected leadership will need to be developed to recommend appropriate
use for new funds for civil legal services. Tools for creating and enhancing
leadership, such as management training, mentoring relationships, mutual support
and improved management relationships must be vigorously pursued.
Agenda for the Future
Mobilizing the strengths of the present configuration to carry out the plans
and recommendations in this report will be key to its success, as follows:
1. The IOLA Fund of the State of New York, Grantee Activity Report - 1996 (February 6, 1998).
2. In 1992, New York civil legal services providers received $25.5. million from the LSC and $29 million from IOLA, which comes to $54.5 million, or $64 million in 1997 dollars (based on a 17.48% increase on the CPI for the Northeast Region between April of 1992 and April of 1997). Assuming there are no further LSC cutbacks and based on 1998 IOLA funding of $10.1 million, New York providers can expect $27.6 million from these sources for FY '97-'98. Thus, the shortfall will be approximately $38.4 million in 1998 dollars.
3. Legal Services Project, Funding Civil Legal Services for the Poor - Report to the Chief Judge (May 1998) at 7. See also, New York State Department of Social Services, The Homelessness Prevention Program: Outcomes and Effectiveness (1990).
4. Legal Services Project, Op. Cit. at fn. 3.
5. Western New York Law Center, STAR Watch Vol. 2, Issue 3, (May/June 1998)
6. Alan Houseman, Civil Legal Assistance for the 21st Century - Achieving Equal Justice for All (Center for Law and Social Policy, 1998).
7. Ibid.
8. New York State Bar Association, New York Efforts to Address the Unmet Legal Needs of the State's Poor, Report of the President's Committee on Access to Justice and The Department of Pro Bono Affairs (1994).
9. New York Pro Bono Review Committee, Final Report of the Pro Bono Review Committee (1994), at Appendix B, Table 6, #7.
10. William Dean, Survey by Volunteers of Legal Service; On Line Site, New York Law Journal (July 15, 1998) at 3.
11. New York State Bar Association, Final Report of the 1998 Pro Bono Awareness Campaign (1998).
12. New York State Bar Association, Fundraising, Volunteering and Lawyers: An Analysis of Why Lawyers Give Money to Legal Services Agencies and Why They Volunteer Time to Provide Legal Services to the Poor (1996).
13. New York State Bar Association, Report of the Special Committee to Review the Proposed Plan for Mandatory Pro Bono Service (1989) at 32.
14. Houseman, Text for the Speech on the Legal Services Delivery System in Transition, 1998 Pro Bono Conference, Center for Law and Social Policy (1998) at 3.
15. Houseman, Devolution: The Legal Services Response, Center for Law and Social Policy (1998) at 5-10.