Can I tickle important dates using TIME?
Yes. From your personal case list, highlight the case and click Tickler. If you need to
tickle a date for a case that is not on your personal case list, bring up the case and
click Tickler.
To look up a case by the client's name, click Find Name on the tool bar and enter the
clients name or Social Security number. Or if you have the case number, click Find
Case from the tool bar and enter the case number.
How do I fill out the tickler?
The tickler screen is self-explanatory. Fill in the date, whether you want someone else
reminded of the date ("cc") and type in the message.
Why would I want to remind someone else of the date?
Some offices may have a policy that supervisors must be alerted of certain events, for
example, a hearing or court date. The tickler system allows you to do that. There may be
other examples when you want to copy someone else, for example when you are working on a
case with co-worker.
Do I have to enter my own tickler dates?
No. Some offices have support staff open mail and make note of all hearing and court
dates. Support staff could create ticklers by calling up the case, entering the
information, and selecting who and what the tickler is for.
What happens when a date is tickled?
When an person logs on to TIME, the first screen that will appear is the Tickler List
if the person has any dates tickled for that day (or has been "ccd" for
any dates).
What if I want to change the date?
Click Tickler on the tool bar. Highlight the tickler slip and click Edit Tickler and
change the date. You might need to change the date because the event is re-scheduled or to
give yourself more than one reminder of an event. For example, if you have a hearing on
June 14, you could tickle June 7 for a reminder to prepare for the hearing. On June 7, you
could change the date on the tickler slip to June 14.
Can I save my tickler slips?
Yes. From the Tickler List Screen, click Archive Tickler. Or you can print the tickler
slip out and put it in the case file. We recommend that you do one or the other in case
you need proof at some future time that you tickled a date. To look at the tickler slips
you have archived, click Tickler on the tool bar.