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TIME Manager Information Sheet No. 1

Regular Maintenance of TIME

What kind of things do I need to do to keep the TIME system running well?

Like almost everything, a database needs to be regularly maintained for it to work the best. TIME is a database and should be maintained by following the simple steps we have outlined below. The maintenance of TIME takes only a few minutes per week. But it is an investment well worth making.

First, and most importantly, the TIME system should be backed up on a daily basis. Next, the database file should be re-indexed every week. Last, the databases should be packed once a month.

Why should I back up my data?

The importance of a good file backup system becomes painfully clear to everyone when they lose an important data file. Backups protect against data losses due to disk crashes, fire, hardware or software failure. If data problems occur, you can easily restore your program and data files. You won't have to reconstruct your data files from scratch. All of your databases (not just TIME) should be backed up.

How long will it take to back up my data?

The time it takes will vary, depending on the amount of data to be backed up, the device that data is being backed up to, and the software program performing the backup.

When should I back up my data?

By setting aside specific times for backups to be done, you are assured that the back up will get done. Most back up software packages allow backups to be scheduled for times when no one is using the system. Files should be backed up once a day after the close of business.

How many generations of backups should be kept? Why can't I just keep writing over the same backup file?

You need to maintain more than a single copy of your file backups (called generations) because the back up process itself could fail due to hardware/software failures and you would be left with no backup files. The absolute minimum number of generations should be 3. It would be much safer to have 5 – 7 generations.

Why do I need to re-index the database files in the TIME system?

As client, case, tickler records are added to the TIME system, certain information is added to index files to speed future access to those records. As more and more index entries are added to an index without re-indexing, the speed at which existing records can be located begins to slow down. Re-indexing can also recreate indices that were corrupted by network or workstation crashes. Re-indexing rebuilds all of the indices to database records from the data contained in each record.

How do I re-index the files?

First, make sure that no one else is using the TIME system. Start up the TIME maintenance program and click on the Re-Index Databases push button. Click Set All to select all of the databases that have indices. Click Reindex. As the databases are re-indexed, the check marks in the boxes will be grayed out. After all of the check boxes are grayed out, you're done.

Why should I pack the databases in the TIME system?

To recover unneeded disk space. The process of packing a database removes deleted records and recovers unused space in some of the text data fields.

How do I pack the databases?

First, make sure that no one else is using the TIME system. Start up the TIME maintenance program and click on the Pack Databases push button. Click Set All to select all of the databases. Click Pack. As the databases are packed, the check marks in the boxes will be grayed out. After all of the check boxes are grayed out, you're done.

Prepared by the Western New York Law Center (www.wnylc.com) (2/5/98)

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