~ Fact Sheet No. 12 ~
The Work Experience Program(WEP)

As a participant in WEP, you have a right to a healthy and safe workplace. You cannot be forced to work in dangerous conditions without adequate training and protection.


bd14580_.gif (185 bytes) INFORMATION: Your employer must let you know about any dangers that may exist in your job or workplace.

bd14580_.gif (185 bytes) TRAINING: The agency overseeing your WEP assignment must give you training in how to handle the chemicals you work with and what to do with them in an emergency.

bd14580_.gif (185 bytes) DEMAND INSPECTIONS: If you feel your health or safety are in danger, you have a right to file a complaint and request an inspection. You can remain anonymous. Your name will not be given to your employer.

bd14580_.gif (185 bytes) COMPLAIN WITHOUT FEAR OF RETALIATION: You cannot be sanctioned or punished by your employer for filing a complaint and exercising your rights to a safe workplace.

Helpful Hint:

To make sure your safety and health rights are protected, you can file a complaint with the Public Employee Safety & Health Bureau (PESH Bureau) at:

New York State Department of Labor
Department of Safety and Health
Public Employee Safety & Health Bureau
345 Hudson Street, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10014-0683
(212) 352-6116


Of The Work Experience Program May Include:

bd14580_.gif (185 bytes) Working outdoors - picking up trash, sweeping parks, or shoveling snow - without uniforms, boots, gloves, or coveralls.

bd14580_.gif (185 bytes) Cleaning up needles and other trash with blood without being warned about the dangers or given protective gloves.

bd14580_.gif (185 bytes) Using electrical tools or equipment without proper training.

bd14580_.gif (185 bytes) Using cleaners or chemicals without being told what they are or how to use them safely.

bd14580_.gif (185 bytes) Working on the highways without any protection from cars and traffic.

bd14580_.gif (185 bytes) Cleaning up hazardous waste sites without being warned of the danger, or given protective clothing.

If you have been made to work in any of these conditions, then your WEP assignment may be placing your health or safety in danger.

You have a right to challenge these violations by filing a complaint with your co-workers or requesting a transfer to another site.

WE CAN Help!

If you live in North Brooklyn and need additional assistance, please call the WE CAN Hotline at Brooklyn Legal Services Corporation A: (718) 487-2300 or (800) 696-6778.


© 2000 Brooklyn Legal ServicesCorporation A